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Walk Real Ability Programme

Airfield Estate has partnered with WALK Walkinstown Green Social Enterprises to bring together the Real Ability Project. The main aim is to support young people with disabilities, aged 18-29 to develop their employability skills with a view to progressing into employment in the open labour market.



The Real Ability Project

The REAL (Reaching Employment Ambitions in Life) Ability Project aims to support 75 young adults who have Intellectual Disabilities, Autism and Complex Needs and are Not in Employment Education or Training to progress towards employment in the open labour market. Through an innovative Supported Employment (place & train) model, in partnership with inclusive employers and host organisations, Job Coaches and Vocational Trainers support the participant to develop their own vocational profile and personal progression path through a series of work experience placements.

Airfield Estate's Role

Over the course of the 3-year project, Airfield will facilitate work training and experiences to a group of 15-20 participants focused on hospitality, tourism, horticulture and farming. Each participant is supported in their own personal development by a dedicated Vocational Skills Trainer and on placement by experienced Airfield tutors. Each participant is inspired, encouraged and supported to explore their individual interests, develop their own vocational skills and experience the real world of work for the year they spend with Airfield Estate.


Anticipated Outcomes

A dedicated Job Coach works with each participant to help plan their progression pathway beyond the REAL Ability Project based on what interest their placement sparks. The aim is to find a suitable workplace with each participant where they can grow and Reach their Employment Ambitions in Life



Ability is co-financed by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning 2014-2020.

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