Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club

Tour Information

Length: 2.5hrs

Start Time: 9.30am and 10am

We can work with anytime that suits you. I’d recommend arriving in time to see the milking at 10:30am.

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Tour Details:

We offer a primary school ‘Breakfast Club’: a guided tour of Airfield Estate’s farm plus a breakfast in our NEFF Inspiration Kitchen

During breakfast club, we provide Jersey milk, orange juice, boiled eggs and toast to the students to sit and eat together after visiting the farm. They will also make their own butter for the meal.

During the guided tour, we will focus on how we produce food on the estate using regenerative farming methods. We bring the students to see the milking parlour and explain the pasteurising process which our Jersey milk goes through before it is sent to our restaurant. We will also introduce the students to the other animals we keep on the farm: donkeys, sheep, pigs, and chickens.

The topics we cover during the tour are seasonality, sustainability, composting and the problem of food waste.

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Here is some more information about Airfield Estate and our tours:

Airfield Estate was the family home of the Overend family. Trevor and Lily Overend purchased Airfield over 120 years ago to give a better, healthier childhood to their daughters Letitia and Naomi. Lily purchased a Jersey cow to provide milk for the family and so started our Jersey herd and the story of producing food from Airfield Estate.

Now, Airfield Estate is the sustainable food hub of Dublin. We continue to produce milk, meat, and eggs from our farm, and fruit and vegetables in our garden. We aim to teach adults and children from all over the country about where food comes from. Food produced in Airfield is used either in our restaurant or in our cooking workshops. We are a mixed farm so we will learn about the animals that produce food for us – sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, cows.

As we also pasteurise and sell our Jersey milk onsite, the students will learn about the process of taking milk from the cow to the stage where it is ready to drink.

We encourage questions from students, and these will be answered during the tour. We won’t be able to cover all topics in depth in the time we have so please let us know if you had any particular topics that you would like us to focus on.



To enquire about a tour, fill in our form and we’ll be in touch!