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Regenerative Farming


    Over the last few months, our farm team have begun the process of regenerative farming.

    The aim is to improve soil, animal health and overall performance with minimal external inputs. This should lead to better carbon and water retention in the soil.

    To maintain the rotation of fields, our farm team now move the animals more often and manage the number of animals on the farm to allow the land to flourish.

    The basis of the regenerative farming project is to mimic the foot movements of a prey animal being chased by a predator on the ground. This creates a completely natural connection between plants and soil organisms using the livestock we have in Airfield Estate.

    It is already clear to see the change in the flora in each field with thistle, dock, clover and many native species interspersed between the grasses.

    The change in our farming practices will also allow for increased biodiversity of farmland in Airfield Estate and we look forward to watching this unfold.

    Over time we will review how farm output levels compare to previous years and assess if this method is viable for the long term food production cycle.

    Sample grazing pattern for the Jersey Herd at Airfield Estate

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