In response to COVID-19, Airfield Estate has been helping to support the most vulnerable in our community by providing them with nutritious, home-cooked meals, up to six nights a week.
For more than 125 years, Airfield has shared the Estate harvest with the community in times of need.
When the gates to Airfield closed in March, the work behind the scenes continued – on our farm, in our gardens and kitchens.
With the support of community organisations including Making Connections, DLR Community Call, school liaison officers, SVP Dundrum and SVP Milltown St Gall we identified the food needs of the most vulnerable in our community.
In just 10 weeks, we passed the 10,000 meal milestone.
10,000 nutritious, wholesome meals made with the freshest produce, delivered by an army of incredible volunteers, to those in need and cocooning in our locality and beyond. This would not be possible without our suppliers – Higgins butchers, Sustainable Seafood Ireland, Dennis Healy, Sean Hussy and La Rousse.
It is our honour to be part of the incredible, people powered, nationwide movement to protect and sustain our fellow citizens in this time of crisis. We’d like to say a massive thank you for the support of DLR Community Call, AIB Dundrum, Janet’s Country Fayre and the HSE.
As a charitable trust, Airfield Estate supports people and initiatives that reach every corner of our community.
When you support Airfield, through an annual pass, day tickets, events and in our café or restaurant, you help nourish our community outreach and food education programmes.