Celebrate St. Patrick’s weekend at Airfield Estate. Open Saturday, Sunday & Monday.

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Get Involved

As a not-for-profit organisation, food is at the heart of everything we do, fuelling our mission to inspire and enable people to make better food choice - better for health, better value for money and better for our environment.

With the help and the support of partners, we can continue to run creative events and programmes to build life skills in children and offer adults of all abilities the opportunity to learn and socialise in a relaxed and friendly environment.

Could you help support an Airfield initiative? Find out more below.

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Breakfast Clubs

A hands-on experience for children and adults from all types of communities to learn about where food comes from, the importance of eating well, basic food preparation and the joy of meal times shared with friends and family.

Sponsor a Breakfast Club for your local community today!

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Biodiversity Programme

According to Bio-Diversity Ireland, Airfield Estate is one of the best living examples of best practice in bio-diversity, so why not help us continue doing our part for the environment.
Corporate Volunteer programmes help maintain, plant and nurture important habitats and wildlife corridors and are great ways of getting involved.

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outreach programmes

Here’s just some of the social impact and outreach programmes that we’re most proud of and that you could be part of:

Airfield Activates

Rain, hail or shine our CEO Claire MacEvilly invites locals to join her in a free 3k walk of the Estate each Monday morning to get back to nature and talk about what’s seasonal in the gardens and on the farm.

The Laura Lynn Foundation

We run multiple programes for families with sick children or dealing with bereavement.

We’ve the ability to extend this out throughout the year and offer days of relaxation, fun and getting close to nature.

Get in Touch

Get in touch

Call us on: +353 1 969 6666

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